Coordinator’s View

It’s great pleasure to welcome you all in this institute. We have developed system in this academic institution that after finishing four-year course students can themselves transform into a good manager or a successful entrepreneur who can smoothly run their own organisation. This is our beliefs that each and every year students learn many things through project works, field visit, group works, work shop, seminars, presentation, internships so that they are able to believe that they can do what they want to do in sector of management.

– Roshan Maharjan

Contact Us

Bajrabarahi campus, affiliated to Tribhuvan University, is established in 2070 B.S. by like minded educational enthusiasts with a mission to produce creative and critical minds to face the challenges in an ever increasingly complex and competitive globalized world.

Bajrabarahi, Godawari-11, Lalitpur, Nepal Notice Events
+977 01 5570088